Sunday, May 4, 2008

aren't they cute?

"i could do that all day long" or was it "you can do that all day long"?

either way...

this is what a little boy said when he received his blessing at the communion rail. the little one is about 4. he also said a robust "amen" when he got his wafer. now, if that isn't trusting God's promises, I don't know what is. i laughed and said that he had made my day. it was a great bit of proclamation to hear out of a little one.

about an hour before...

i had been with three middle school boys, a lovely lay leader and a lot of cookies. there was an attempt at reading the intro to the Gospel of John. you know, "in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was in God, and...blah blah blah.

i did my best attempt at reminding them of gnosticism and what not...i think i am wearing out my davinci code metaphors. then...the smart alecky kid says, "well, how can Jesus be in God?"

for starters, i knew that he was thinking that this was an obnoxious question. but, i love turning his outrageous questions into legitimate ones. can imagine where this one led...

i spent 40 minutes trying to explain the doctrine of the trinity to middle schoolers. homoousious, perichoretic dance and all.

i will spare you the gorey details....

i will say that the metaphor that was used was this:

God the Father = Sumo Wrestler
God the Son = Chuck Norris
God the Holy Spirit = the Butler that attends to their needs

there were drawings too.

i prefaced the whole conversation with, "this is weird. the trinity is weird. it doesn't make much sense and you just have to go with it. the theologians that worked on this were a little odd." of course....i had to keep reminding them of this as the boys kept saying to me..."that is really weird!"

sigh. the trinity. it will outsmart all of us. of course, we could ask chuck norris to explain....hmmmm, i wonder....

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