Saturday, December 8, 2007

this morning was the hanging of the greens at church. this sounds very fancy, but it was simply everyone gathering together to decorate for christmas. i was amazed that they made the wreathes themselves! now, i am an odditity in having made it out of northern minnesota without having made a christmas wreath before. i don't really know how that happened. i think it is because i never participated in youth group or girl scouts.

i told people that this is a normal activity for families and confirmation kids in minnesota. since the woods are...well, in the backyard.

one intrepid 9 year old decided to chat with me. my goodness she is a talker! i had a moment when i realized that i was probably like her when i was her age. chatty cathy.

i asked what she wanted to be when she grows up...she wants to be some sort of scientist. she really likes disecting things. i took the moment to say...ahh, i was very interested in studying neuropsych (brains), but then went to seminary. i told her i really want to disect a brain. this kid thought this was just the coolest thing. and proceded to tell everyone that the vicar wants to dissect brains. oops.

she asked about the nose rings. inevitably happens. i made the mistake of telling her the very funny story about my brief flirtation with a lip piercing. the entire 5 day period. between amsterdam and berlin that my lower lip was pierced. she laughed at me and thought i was a little crazy. then...told her MOM! i tried to work the "it was not the best idea i have every had" angle. which it wasn't the best idea. it was cute though...briefly.

at least they like me!! their oddball vicar, but they like me. there are a fair amount of science people in the congregation, so i am very thankful for my psychology/research background. i may not get the same excitement from the type of science some folks do, but i get the fascination with wanting to understand.

i enjoy the congregation. they are sweet. they make me laugh. i like the energy of the kids. i like watching the families care for one another.

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