Monday, December 3, 2007

more jesus, the post script.

i guess there was enough jesus. during coffee hour i didn't move more than five feet once i got to the basement. the words "gifted preacher" were used. and "no one was making their grocery list." sort of stuns me that this thing, this fragile bit of creativity can help people. it isn't really me. the spirit most certainly intervenes and makes sure people get what they need. the spirit sees to it that i can bumble my way through a text that frustrates me.

on a lighter note...
those confirmation boys are always good for a little humor.

boy a: "I found the shortest book in the Bible!"
vicar: "Seriously! I never thought I would say this, but do I need to take your Bible away from you?!"
boy a: "no."
boy b: "you can have mine!"
vicar: "i don't want yours. you're not looking up things you shouldn't!"

later in the sacristy before the second service...
president of the congregation: "are you boys paying attention in class, doing your homework?"
vicar: smiles knowingly at the boys who are acolyting...just happens to be boys a and b.
boy b: "ummm. yeah, mostly paying attention." giving me a furtive the vicar going to rat him out to the pastor and to the president? is he going to get in trouble?
vicar: just shakes her head and chuckles. no need to embarass the kid.

but, seriously, i never thought i would say, "do i need to take that Bible away from you?"

yet, i still think they are the greatest kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.