Tuesday, September 4, 2007

oh, dear! they dress REALLY nice!

i got into dc today around 1h30. poor kitties. lola escaped when we got to the apartment. i ran her down while my supervising pastor got in my car to parallel park the uhaul. welcome to dc! the apartment not only has a fireplace, but it even works! when i drove up to the church i thought, "oh, no! i will hit the capitol before i get to the church!" not quite. the church has a nice view of the capitol dome. just turn right and there it is.

things i learned while driving east:
1. i have it REALLY good in minnesota.
2. coffee doesn't exist east of wisconsin.
3. internet doesn't really exist in pennsylvania.
4. everyone looks at me weird in: indiana, ohio, and pennsylvania. why? :)
5. an echo towing a uhaul is a bad idea in the mountains. especially when the uhaul people in minnesota put the ball on the hitch WRONG! thank God i did not have an accident, though i wish that i did not know that was a possibility.
6. linus is getting sedated when we move home next year. he meowed for hours on end.

in the last few hours i have discovered that people in my congregation have crazy government jobs that they can't really talk about. those jobs really do exist!

the best for last...
my upstairs neighbor is a lobbiest....for...WALMART!!!!!!!

oh, yes. i did just write that. i never thought those people were real. she is so nice. i came bumbling out, introducing myself as a lutheran vicar. then she said walmart. i think neither of us expected the other to say what we each said. i think my mouth may have dropped open briefly.

and so the year starts.
we waved at natalie from the freeway as we passed valparaiso. thought of colin as we slept in toledo. and discovered west-pennsyl-tucky. that is a shout out to colin and amy, who taught me that term during prophets. thanks for clueing me in. i think my friend aaron is an intern in those mountains someplace!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Welcome to Capitol Hill! I'm so glad you made it there safely! And thanks for the wave - I felt the love all the way. How are you doing? Post some pics of your new place if you have the chance - I'd love to see it.

Don't worry about people with unmentionable jobs. They're usually very nice, very conscientious people. I'm not sure I can say the same for a Wally world lobbyist... :) But she needs Jesus too, right? My upstairs neighbors include two emo-style couples with exciting piercings and a penchant for smoking and very loud music which basses into my floor into the wee hours of the morning. If my landlord would just install the fire and CO detector, I might not be so crabby about the whole affair... but at least none of the aforementioned are lobbyists... :)

Hang in there! A week and a half later I'm finally feeling caught up on sleep. If you need any suggestions for good eats, etc. let me know!