i went to san francisco on the first. i got back last night. i began a three day confirmation blitz this morning. not the best scheduling, but what can you do, when there is so much to teach and so little time.
san francisco was a lovely break from the routine of DC. a gathering of concerned lutherans. my worship TA from luther is now getting his doctorate in liturgics at the graduate theological union in berkeley. i ran into him at the opening worship...where i happened to be the crucifer. it was very funny. okay i thought it was funny as i constantly made fun of him for yelling at me to hold my hands the right way during worship labs (yes, labs for worship...there were experiments). and then i had to admit to him that:
1. i am bothered when i see people not holding their hands in proper prayer positions.
2. that i actually care about proper orders for rites.
it was mortifying to admit. and also quite funny. i made him happy that someone actually cared enough to remember. i just told him i was ruined. i am capable of caring about the proper way of doing liturgics. crap.
it was funny.
bishop gene robinson spoke. quite lovely as well. i found his speech helpful for giving me new frames for how i often feel in the church.
bishop john selders spoke and named my experience in the church in ways i never hear named. he named how it is for young folks to be in the church. he named how it is to be someone that does not respond to the typical curriculums and studies that the church puts out. i have never heard anyone name my experience in such a clear way. it felt like i had found a kindred spirit. i had finally found a grown-up in the church that understands that there needs to be lots of ways to be church.
i wander san francisco a bit after the gathering of lutherans.
a lovely city. my godfather is scattered in haight-ashbury. we figured he would both love it and hate it. we took him in a plastic baggie and visited headshops and music stores. places that he would have liked in life. that was in 2005. i thought about him while i was in SF. i thought about visiting golden gate park where the ashes were mostly scattered. i never made it there. oh, well. he would have liked that i never made it there. it would have given him something to complain about.
i visited a ministry to folks that are homeless. the welcome ministry is served by two wonderful people that i will soon call my colleagues. one of the two pastors is the first dual degree graduate from luther. i will be second after jay. after watching jay work, i am very glad that it is jay that i follow behind. i cannot imagine a better person to be led by. it has been awhile since i have been around a street ministry. it was comfortable feeling. far from home, but homelike.
i got back to DC and the kitties definitly were a little lonely. linus was needy. poor guy.
then, bright and early...confirmation!!! a little insane. but, we had fun. we read the first part of romans together. we didn't get as far as i intended, but we never do. we had good conversations. asked a few good questions. and the kicker..."how do you know?" i don't. but, i trust. is that a good enough answer for a kid? i just don't know.
we watched the lost boys of sudan together to get ready for more tents of hope activities. more confirmation tomorrow.
we'll see how rowdy it is tomorrow!!
This blog is moving to the new ELM Website
14 years ago
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