diego river murals in mexico city. i LOVE diego rivera. this was one of the most exciting places for me to go.
me and quinn hanging out with frida and diego.
an obsidian block that the aztecs used for human sacrifice. so glad we don't do that (okay, so we just had one really big human sacrifice that we talk about alot!)!
a bunch of lutherans drinking a little tequila...in moderation!
the shroud that guadalupe appeared on. i did not realize that the picture of her was so perfect. this is the actual cloth that she came to juan diego on. it was so amazing to see.
a bunch of lutherans visiting the basillica of guadalupe.
the pope mobile...outside the basillica of guadalupe! oh, you know i took lots of pictures!
the pyramid of the sun...it's big. trust me.
BEFORE we climbed the pyramid...me and my new found friend amy.
YAY! I made it to the top of the pyramid...we don't need to mention how sore i was the next day...
just some lutheran kids hanging out at the lutheran center in mexico city.
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