i was very homesick at the end of october. feeling pathetic and lonely here in dc. then i was rescued by my friend liz and her daughter fiona! fiona is the cutest and smartest kid EVER! okay...i might be a little biased...but, now i will make you all suffer pictures of the weekend i spent with liz and fiona. which are really pictures of fiona looking cute. :)
they were here the first weekend in november and it happened to be the weekend i preached. all saints' sunday. it was fun having them there to hear me preach. they came, along with max (liz's husband, fiona's papa) to hear me preach the very first time i ever preached in a congregation in minneapolis! so that was very nice to have them come.
we went on adventures to eat waffles at the coffee shop i go to in adams-morgan. liz and i get waffles in north minneapolis, so of course we had to eat them in dc! and then we went to the national zoo. we saw panda butt. and we saw elephants and hippos. we saw lots of monkeys too. fiona liked the elephants. i think it was the largest animal she had ever seen. we went into the store and she fell in love with a stuffed panda...so, fiona now has a baby panda that she loves.
fiona, liz and the elephants!
we went on an adventure to baltimore. neither of us had been there. a few wrong turns and we got there. it was fun to be in a different city. we took a duck boat tour. now, duck boat tours are an adventure. they are based on army vehicles that can go on land and in water. so you tour the city on land and then you get to see it from the water. it is a good kid friendly tour. lots of music, they give you duck caller noise makers, and the tour guide knows all sorts of stuff.
me and fiona in baltimore. we hung out on the inner harbour.
fiona in her monkey coat on the duck boat.
this is a photo of the first co-operative in the US. at least i think that is what the tour guide said. it is in baltimore. it was started by women to make baby clothes. liz and i were excited to see it.
we saw some costa rican relatives of liz and fiona (papa max is costa rican), we stalked liz's uncle owen who lives in dc. then we went to the quaker lobbiest building since it is a green building. a VERY full weekend. i felt so much better after they came. nothing like being loved by a little kid to make you feel better. i got home from church on sunday and fiona yelled, "maggie, maggie, maggie!" the world is okay when a kid is happy to see you.
and finally, 'cause i just love her so much...another picture of fiona! :)
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