this past week i have been beginning the final good-byes before i load the kitties into my little car. needless to say, in may, i did not think i would get to do this. today, i got my blessing. this time it was a blessing that was, for me, filled with joy. my little church in minneapolis that i have attended since i first moved here in 2003, laid hands on me. it was the kindest thing they could have done. all the people that i have grown to love in the past few years gathered around me as jay prayed. one of the words that comes to mind is, "cozy." yes, cozy. it was so nice to be wrapped in those loving arms. a sea of warm faces looking at me. i have described this to people as like "receiving a giant hug from the congregation." i am not certain that other interns got such a wonderful send-off. i feel special to have had one.
the little church in minneapolis is called bethany. there have been a surprising number of seminarians and other graduate students for such a small church. four of us have left this summer for various adventures. three to begin grad school and myself to continue grad school. each of us had prayers said over us. i was struck today by how special i was made to feel. yet, i received what the others had received. isn't this what God does for us? the gift of grace is uniquely for me, but it is not any different than what God has done for anyone else. God makes us feel unique and special, yet this is a gift for all of creation. a little lesson in grace, from a simple blessing, done by a loving community.

me and jay
one set of good-byes that i have done is to my mentors. jen and jay have only been mentoring me for a couple years, but they have been a good support for the craziness of the dual degree. it seems strange to suddenly have a year in which they won't be near by. of course, in an age of email, they aren't that far away! still isn't the same.
this will be a crazy week. good-byes, cleaning, packing...and then travel!
it will be good.
Almost heaven... Vi-ir-ginia! (not West VA... you'll find out why soon enough!). Hey, while you drive, stop by and visit me! I'm JUST off of 94 and am right on the way! If you need any "DC driving suggestions" let me know!
You'll be FANTASTIC Pastor Kelly!
I hope you've arrived safely in D.C. by now. Have a great year - enjoy all the ups and downs of internship (they're part of the deal), the chaos of wonderful, amazing D.C., and the knowledge that God loves you, unconditionally and without end. I look forward to reading about your journey.
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