Wednesday, June 18, 2008

i was assembled...and the parts even fit!

yes. i got assembled last week and the parts fit together.
and even better...
i never thought i would say this, but,
i had fun at the synod assembly.
probably because i played social butterfly and chatted up everybody.
the pastors were quite lovely. the pastor in charge of the worship services had recruited vicars to help out. well, turns out he went to luther. i have learned to humbly say that i attend luther seminary, in st. paul, mn. i don't simply say, "i go to luther."
well, this pastor asks where i go to seminary at, i tell him. he says, "you go to THE seminary." i nod. at this point i am not sure if he is making fun of me or if he is a proud graduate. you just never know. folks get a little touchy sometimes when you are the only person that attend the BIG seminary. the pastor says, "i went to THE seminary." he proceeded to tell everyone that we both went to THE seminary.

for those of you non-lutheran types, luther seminary is the largest elca seminary. about 800 students. very big. sometimes called the flagship or THE seminary or whatever. minnesota is often laughed about as being the motherland of lutherans. so, yeah. it gets a little rough sometimes being the kid from minnesota that attends luther in the land of episcopalians and gettysburg seminary graduates.

it was a little fun to have someone to laugh with about being from luther.

we were at this lovely college in virginia. far from anywhere i have ever been before. it was beautiful. right in the blue ridge mountains. i can imagine people wanting to stay there for the beauty.

there were lutherans with southern accents and at the bar-b-que they actually had ribs as opposed to hamburgers and brats. i was so not in the midwest. another cross-cultural experience for the minnesota vicar.

so that was my experience at the metro dc synod assembly. well, the short version. lovely people. highly recommend them.

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