Sunday, March 23, 2008

easter, the postlude...

i LOVE the vigil! it is the coolest service ever! an hour with just candles. i was the master of the readings...guiding the readers and the hearers. i got to hand a book of readings to each reader like the wise woman of the family. it was so cool to do, while the candles were held in the sanctuary.


before we processed into the building we lit a fire outside and lit the paschal candle. because i was the preacher, guess what i got to wear...a cope! the big fancy cape! it was gold and floor length. it had all sorts of embroidery! the episcopal priest brought it for me to wear! it was crazy. i was looking at it wondering who would wear it, and suddenly i hear that i get to! it was pretty wild! i secretly liked it.

i was lame and did not get a photo...crap.

in the middle of the service we went outside to invite the world in for easter. we chanted the names of the beloved dead. some were close. some were a little strange. some were very famous. in the end you smile. my two confirmation boys that were there liked that part. they giggled through it. they liked hearing all the famous people listed.

and then it was easter!! it was bright and golden! we sang the messiah chorus. and then i got to preach. it was scary preaching in front of clergy from three other churches. i think people liked it. it was so much fun to do. and to be so young. i got to do the best sermon while i am still a seminarian.

i think everybody should go to a is magical.

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